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Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Passive Income

So, why exactly is the internet such a great place to earn an income?
What makes it any better than the “real world”?
The online world is not necessarily a better place to make money, it is
different and in many ways a lot easier and a lot less time consuming
than making money in the real world.
First off, there is the physical aspect of it. All of the internet world is
right in front of your eyes, everything is just a click away, which
makes it a lot less time consuming to perform your daily tasks.
Then, there is the cost aspect – it’s incredibly cheap to own your own
business on the internet! You can literally start earning money on line
for as little as $10!
And if you want your own online business, all you need is a hosting
account ($10 a month) and a payment processor (free) and you’re all
ready to go. When comparing that to owning a “real world” business,
where rent, employee wages and the sheer amount of work is not only
extremely pricy but time consuming as well.
And of course, there is the ability to fully automate your online
business without having to hire any employees and have your business
work for you 24/7 (the internet is always open) and earn you money
while you sleep.
Here is a simple example of the how easy it is to build a passive
income stream on the internet when comparing the amount of work it
would take you to do the same in the “real world”
To get a passive income of $1,000 a month in the real world, you
could by a Condo for $100,000 - $150,000 and rent it out to receive
rental income. Do you have $150,000 cash lying around? Probably not.
What you could do online is buy resell rights to an already made
information product ($300 would buy you a good one), get online
hosting ($10 a month) and start driving traffic to the website. All this
can be done in just a few hours, and can easily earn you $30 - $60 a
Now you see the difference between the real world and the online
The point is: to start making money in the “real world” one usually
needs a great amount of time, resources and money. Online, all you
need is a few hundred bucks and 1-3 hours a day to invest into your
Ok, I’m sure I’ve got you a little excited to get started. But there are
other great ways for you to make residual income without having your
own website,

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