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Selasa, 23 Maret 2010


Passive income is something most people only dream of. It is a fantasy, kind
of like winning the lottery that will allow one to gain freedom from a 9 to 5
job and spend time doing the things they love.
But as you may already know from reading this eBook, passive income is no
fantasy and is very different from winning the lottery. Winning the lottery is
sheer luck, it is out of your hands and your chances of winning it are
extremely slim.
Passive income on the other hand is something YOU control, it is entirely
within your hands and something that can drastically change your life for the
Hmm, so what exactly am I trying to get at here?
Well, first of all YOU are responsible for setting yourself up with a monthly
passive income. If you don’t do the work, sit around and fantasize all day,
you likely won’t get a passive income that will give you a lot of financial
If you do get serious about this and do the work that is necessary to set up
a reliable passive income... Well, if you do that you pretty much know what
will happen: exactly what you are fantasizing about right now.
And to put the task ahead of you into perspective, it actually does NOT take
a lot of work to set up your first income stream. It takes concentrated
If you currently work an 8 hour day 5 times a week, you spend somewhere
around 160 hours a month making someone else rich.
If you can invest 25% of that time into setting up an income stream for your
self, fill that time with concentrated work and stick to your goal you can
most probably have a passive income stream of $200 - $500 a month no
So what I’m trying to say is: get to work, stick to it and don’t get
discouraged because passive income makes sense. Who knows, maybe in a
few weeks you will have your phone bills, cable, gym, water and hydro bills
taken care of every month – how far you take it from there will be entirely
up to you!

Create Your Own Publication

At some point, you may want to consider starting your own niche
market publication. Not only can you create a publication, you can
advertise your own products and services in the publication.
Now the problem would be to attract other advertisers to a publication
that had no track record. I would ask myself what I would want if I
were purchasing advertising from a publication of this nature. What I
would want is certainty. How do you do this?
One solution would be to offer the advertisers a “deal”. They would
get their ads free, and they would only pay for the number of leads
they get. My feeling is that it is the responsibility of your publication
to generate readership and leads; therefore it is the advertisers’
responsibility to close the sale on the leads you would generate.
So you might set up an 800# with different extension numbers for
each advertiser. This way people who were interested would call the
800 #, and dial the extension number. You would charge the
advertisers based on a dollar amount per lead. They would then be
responsible for closing the sales.
The nice thing about a publication like this is that it would break even
without a single advertiser. You could use the publication as a delivery
device to promote your seminars and other products, thus cutting your
own cost of direct mail and space advertising with the trade
At the low end of the scale you can produce a newsprint publication
with a two-color cover. After printing and mailing, your cost will run
around 65¢ an issue.

Distribution methods

When you start out with your
newsletter/ezine you may want to use your email program for
distribution. Most e-mail programs such as Eudora lite and Pegasus
Mail are ok for a start, but you will quickly find that as your list grows
(and it will) that it becomes a huge task to maintain your subscription
list on your own. A good newsletter service will do this all for YOU,
leaving you to spend that time promoting your businesses, programs
and your publication.
As with anything on the Internet, promotion is the key. Here is a list
of links to help you promote your newsletter.
To find articles that have the same interest as you, you can go to
http://liszt.com/ and do a subject search to find newsletters with the
exact type of customers as yours!
Another good way to promote your newsletter is swapping ads in other
newsletters or buying ads in newsletters to increase your coverage.
If you put an ezine page up on your web site be sure and use the
search engines to make sure it is promoted properly. More visitors to
your web site will mean more subscribers to your Publication.

Self Published Bestsellers

Here are some bestsellers you may have heard of that were self
What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles has sold
over 8 million copies.
ZAPP! The Lightning of Empowerment, created by Bill Byham, is
written for managers about empowering employees. It was so
successful, that employees wanted their own copies! 275,000 copies
sold before commercial publication, with more than 1.5 million sold to
The Lazy Man's Way to Riches was written by Joe Karbo. Using fullpage
ads in newspapers, he attracted sales from all over the world.
Joe's investment was less than $3,000 and he sold nine million dollars
worth -- and it was never in a bookstore!
The One-Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
was self-published this book for their seminars, perfecting it based on
feedback from seminar participants. After sales of 20,000 copies, they
allowed a trade publishing company to turn the book into a bestseller.
"Feed Me, I'm Yours" is a collection of kid-tested recipes. It was
rejected by 49 publishers before author Vicky Lansky decided to selfpublish.
It sold 300,000 copies in the self-published version. Bantam
took it over and merchandized a whopping 8 million more!
Butter Busters, a health reference/cookbook title by Pam Mycoskie,
has sold over 400,000 copies from her one-woman company located in
Consider what Fred Cockfield did. After 15 years as a teacher and
music store owner, he conveyed his methods in a self published book
titled: Power Tools For String Bass. He sold copies of his 70-page book
to customers and students. The book took off creating a buzz in the
music industry.
Attorney John Graham, decided writing a book would help promote his
personal injury practice. Packaged with a beautiful cover design, he
printed 10,000 copies to give away to chiropractors who in turn gave
the complimentary copy to their customers. This became so popular in
the chiropractic community that requests were rolling in for his book,
eventually drawing the media's attention. John admits that the
benefits of publishing a book far exceeded his expectations and was an
extremely profitable way to promote his business. No amount of
investment in space advertising could have yielded him the results his
book created.
Other Publications Besides a Book:
Create Your Own Newsletter
You need to have a regular outlet for all of your great ideas. As you
go through the month, have one document on the computer with the
name of that month’s newsletter. As you get great ideas, keep
dumping them into that file. By the time it comes to doing your
newsletter, you will have most of your ideas stuffed into this computer
document and virtually ready to go. All you’ll have to do is flesh out
the material and put it into some logical order.
I suggest you make the newsletter eight pages long. Anything less
than this amount looks too flimsy. Anything greater than this amount
is too difficult to do on a monthly basis. Remember, if you commit to
doing a monthly newsletter and people pay for it, you have to deliver.
In order to make your newsletter easier to do, you can include a fair
amount of samples of various things and then give your critique on
each piece. Not only is it easier and quicker to do, it is more valuable
for your readers. They would rather see examples and your critique
than just read your brilliant information and advice. Take a look at
Elaine Floyd’s book called Marketing with Newsletters for more
ideas on this important topic.
Your ezine, in whichever format you choose to use, should have
information that's both well researched and documented. It should be
of value to your customers and subscribers... The more information
you can supply the better. The last thing you ever want to do is pass
on misinformation, or outdated information. It can be in any of the
following forms:
Articles- You can feature articles written either by yourself or other online
marketers or specialists in a specific field. Keeping in mind this
should be timely and of interest to the majority of your readers. Try to
feature at least one of your own articles occasionally. This will help
give you creditability as well as recognition in your field of expertise. If
your not up to writing your own articles try to add an editorial
comment outlining the content of each issue.
Special Features- This can come from a number of different resources
and changes in each issue. An example of this type of content would
Information via Auto responder- This method allows you to reach into
your readers mailbox yet again. The more times your message is put
in front of your subscriber/customer the better. This also gives you a
list of interested prospects for future contact.
Links- All of your content should contain links to more in depth
information as well as corroboration of the information you have just
presented. Also links to other web sites that offer help, software, news
Advertising- If you plan to use advertising you will have several
options to consider:
• Paid ads- If your subscriber base is small "500" or less, you may
not be able to secure advertisers. If you want to offer advertising
your best guide is to check out what similar news letters are
charging and then set your rates accordingly. For a small newsletter
you may want to run $5.00 ads, affordable for most, and then
increase the rate when your membership grows.
• Free Advertising- You may choose to offer free advertising to your
new subscribers or Barter- You can put forward a barter system for
example, offer free 60 word ad's. to each subscriber that brings in 5
new subscribers. These should be subscribers that you confirm as
legitimate. This can be an easy way to help you build your
• Another version of this is to get your subscribers to place a link to
an auto responder sample of your newsletter that they give away
from there web-site. Like the following: Profit On-line:You Can Do
It! Get all the home business help online for free in your email inbox
every 2 weeks. For your free report: "How to sell to 99% of
your web-site visitors" and subscription


Forget four-color glossy brochures. Instead, spend time writing,
producing, and printing your own book. Picture this. You have a book
completed and printed on your topic of expertise. No matter who else
is in the market, I’m 99.9% certain you will be the only one in the
market who has written a book specifically on your topic. Since you
have written the book, you are now the expert.
Who is going to publish your book? You are. You will self publish your
book. How much will it cost? It depends on how many copies you
print, how many pages you write and how fancy you make the cover
and binding. Keep in mind that your book becomes one of your most
effective pieces of promotional material. You may also use the book as
your least expensive front end product for your funnel (See Chapter
Three Ways to Write a Book
If you don’t have the luxury of taking an extended working vacation,
you may want to consider the next few options.
25X4X2 System
Take your topic of expertise. Ask yourself what are the 25 most
important main topics regarding this subject matter. Then ask
yourself to come up with approximately four subtopics for each of
these main 25 topics. Write two pages per night on each of these
subtopics. You will end up with a 200-page book in just over three
The One Page per Topic System
I know someone that used this system to put together a book on
marketing. He had many ideas that he wanted to share with people so
he brainstormed ideas and wrote down every single marketing idea
that came to mind. He then wrote something on each topic. Some
topics had short “blurbs” and others had five or six pages. After
writing, he put the topics into categories that made sense. At the end
of this exercise, he had a 265-page book filled with great marketing
Transcribe the Seminar System
This method is particularly effective for those of you who have
difficulty writing. I assume that if you don’t particularly like writing,
you prefer speaking. That being the case, get six or eight of your
favorite friends together, sit them down in a nice room, serve cocktails
and deliver a seminar. Make sure you have thoroughly outlined your
topic and have divided your presentation into bite size “modules.”
These will end up being your chapters when all is said and done.
The next big trick is finding someone who will transcribe the tapes for
you at a reasonable price. Where can you find someone like this?
Start at the local college or university. Next try the senior citizen
centers. You would be amazed at the kinds of resources out there if
you just start to look. Another resource you may want to check on the
web is Hiredhand.com. These folks charge a certain amount of money
per page.
Getting Your Book Edited
The biggest problem most people have is editing. This is simply a
psychological block, especially if you feel you have to make everything
perfect. This is an impossible task. Just get your thoughts down on
paper and hire an editor to clean up your mess.
The best place to find inexpensive editors is, as I mentioned above for
transcribers, your local college or university. Ask to speak to the
English or Journalism departments. Then let the various secretaries of
these departments know that you are looking for student editors.
Unless things are different in your part of the country, student editors
are inexpensive.
The Next Step
The most cost-effective way to get the book printed is to provide the
printer with a CAMERA READY copy of your manuscript. (Talk to your
printer to find out what they need). Or you can provide your
manuscript to the printer on a disk, typed in a common word
processing program like Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect. Or, if
you don't have access to a computer you can have typewritten pages
digitized (a process that scans typewritten documents into a
computer). There is a fee for taking your manuscript off a disk and
preparing it for production. This is referred to as typesetting or layout.
Shop around. Get quotes from at least three different printers. Check
out their previous work. Just because they're cheaper doesn't always
mean you're going to get a quality product. Once you find a printer,
be sure to get a contract. This will help to ensure that your
expectations are met, i.e. price, delivery, specifications.
Find a book you like the looks of. Publishing starts with the appearance
of the cover. Model your publication after it. Check with the printer you
decide to use. They can help you in this area.
So, how many copies should you print? You have 3 main options:
• Print 2,000 - 5,000 books at a reasonable unit price.
• Print 500 - 1,000 books at a higher unit price.
• Print covers ahead of time and copy your text on demand. This
will provide you a competitive unit price with low, up-front costs.
What factors will affect the cost?
• Book dimensions (6"x 9", 81/2 x 11", etc.)
• Type of binding (perfect binding, hard bound, comb-bound,
saddle stitched, velo-bound, wire-o-bound)
• Kind of paper used for the cover
• Number of ink colors on cover, and in text.
• Number of pages in text (count title page, table of contents,
index, each and every page)
• Quantity of books desired.
• How prepared your manuscript is.
Copyrights and ISBN
Once you write and register the manuscript, you will own the copyright
to the material. It's a matter of filling out a form and sending the
required fee to the U.S. Copyright Office at
ISBN numbers are a unique number assigned to books and publishers,
which are assigned and maintained by the ISBN Agency. This number
is useful for consumers when trying to locate books. It is also
necessary if you want to sell your books in bookstores. For more
information about ISBN numbers contact the U.S. ISBN Agency at

Your Own Web Site Must Act Like a Funnel

A funnel? Why are we talking about funnels? Let me explain by first
looking at the definition of a funnel: “A conical utensil having a small
hole or narrow tube at the apex and used to channel the flow of a
substance.” Now, let’s imagine that you have a funnel that is floating
out there in Internet space. With any of your Internet marketing, you
are trying to capture consumers and put them into your funnel.
Of course, there is no real funnel, nor are you really “capturing”
anyone. You are, however, doing all that you can do to capture email
addresses and add them to your database. Once that database has
been established (and continues to grow, of course), what are you
going to do with the names? Send information and sell products!!
With the funnel concept, you start out small and move them down the
funnel to larger and more profitable products. Do these products have
to be your own? No! Consider affiliate products or products you have
licensed from someone else. Once you get a consumer’s email and get
them to buy the first product, you use your autoresponder to send
them 2 more informational pieces and then another product message.
If the first item they purchased exceeded their expectations, then they
are more likely to purchase another item from you.
And so it goes, one item after another, until you have “groupies” that
purchase just about anything you send their way. In fact, they may
want to talk with you individually and see you as a guru. Consider
Tony Robbins. He gets $1 million to be a personal coach! Now, I am
not saying that you necessarily want to get as big as all that, but you
can turn the marketing around so that you become the hunted rather
than the hunter. The funnel will get people seeking you out for your
skills and expertise.
Another way to gain their trust, beyond providing exceptional
information is by giving a clear, no questions asked guarantee. Here’s
You have an unconditional, lifetime, no questions asked, 100%
money back guarantee! YOU ARE NEVER AT RISK! (By the way,
not one person has yet to call!)
Beyond all of the Internet techniques suggested in this chapter, there
is simply your own website. And your website can be another avenue
to gain emails to put into your funnel. Your site needs to be
informative and be “them-focused.” Your site can offer free stuff,
which is an easy way to collect an email address and also provides an
easy way for someone else to recommend your site to their friends:
“Hey, Joe, I got this free report about Internet Marketing Techniques
that is really great. Just go to www.reallygreatwebsite.com and get a
copy!” Cha-Ching, one more email into your funnel!
By the way, referred customers are more likely to buy. Why? They
aren’t taking your word for it, but the word of someone they know and
trust that has used your product!!
For help with website promotion, go to
For help producing your own seminars, go to
Ackerman, Ernest C. and Karen Hartman. The Information Specialist's Guide to
Searching and Researching on the Internet and the World Wide Web. (Franklin,
Beedle & Assoociates, 2000)
Ackermann, Ernest C. and Karen Hartman. Searching and Researching on the
Internet and the World Wide Web. (Franklin, Beedle & Assoociates, 2000)
Algie, Bob. How to Activate Your Web Site. (Que, 1999)
Allen, Robert G. Multiple Streams of Internet Income: How Ordinary People Make
Extraordinary Money Online. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001)
Ause, Wayne. Instant HTML Web Pages. (Ziff Davis Press, 1995)
Barksdale, Karl. HTML Activities: Webtop Publishing on the Superhighway.
(Soutwestren Publishing, 1997)
Basch, Reva and Mary Ellen Bates. Researching Online for Dummies. (Hungry Minds,
Bride, Mac. HTML: Publishing on the World Wide Web (Teach Yourself) (Teach
Yourslef, 1998)
Bond, Robert E. Hits! Maximizing Search Engine Hits. (Source Book Publications,
Bruemmer, Paul Joseph. #1 Search Engine Primer. (Web Ignite Corporation, 1999)
Bryant, Staphanie Cottrell. Teach Yourself HTML 4. (IDG Books Worldwide, 1999)
Burgett, Gordon. Niche Marketing for Writers, Speakers, and Entrepreneurs: How to
Make Yourself Indispensable, Slightly Immortal, and Lifelong Rich in 18 Months!
(Communication Unlimited, 1993)
Burns, Joe. HTML Goodies. (MacMillan Publishing Co., 1998)
Callihan, Steve. Create Your First Web Page In a Weekend. (Prima Publishing, 1999)
Carey, Patrick. New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML - Updated.
(Course Technology, 1999)
Castro, Elizabeth. HTML 4 for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide.
(Peachpit Press, 1999)
Chase, Larry and Eileen Shulock. Essential Business Tactics for the Net. (New York:
John Wiley & Sons, 2001)
Coleman, Pat and Anamary Ehlen (Editors) HTML Complete. (Sybex, 2000)
Cook, Rod. Rod Cook's How To Start Your Network Marketing Or Internet Multi-
Affiliate Company. (America’s MLM Consultants, 1999)
Curphey, Marianne. E-cash: Put Your Money Where Your Mouse Is. (Pearson
Professional Education, 2000)
DeUlloa, John R. Search Engines: The Step By Step to Successfully Promoting a Web
Site. (Wire Bound Photocopies, 1999)
Dunn, Declan. Complete Insiders Guide to Associate and Affiliate Programs: Discover
How to Dramatically Increase Your Revenues Through Quick, Strategic Positioning on
the Internet. (Adnet International, 1998)
Dunn, Delcan. Net Profits: How to Win the Internet Game: Proven Success of the
$65,000 Affiliate, the $750,000 Super Affiliate, and the $600,000/6-Week
Performance Network. (Adnet International, 2000)
Dunn, Delcan. Winning the Affiliate Game: The Ten-Step Master Plan for Maximizing
Your Profits. (Adnet International, 1999)
Eddy, Sandra E. HTML in Plain English. (Hungry Minds, due June 2001)
Eddy, Sandra E. XHTML in Plain English. (Hungry Minds, 2000)
Evans, Tim. SAMS Teach Yourself HTML 4 in 10 Minutes. (SAMS, 1999)
Evoy, Ken. Go to www.sitesell.com
Galon, Derek. The Savvy Way to Successful Website Promotion: Secrets of
Successful Websites: Attracting On-Line Traffic: The Most Up to Date Guide to Top
Positioning on Search Engines. (Trafford Publishing, 1999)
Gertler, Nat and Rod Underhill. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Making Millions on the
Internet. (Indianapolis, IN: Que, 2000)
Godin, Seth. Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into
Customers. (Simon & Schuster; 1999)
Gould, Cheryl. Searching Smart on the World Wide Web: Tools and Techniques for
Getting Quality Results. (Library Solutions Press, 1998)
Gray, Daniel. The Complete Guide to Associate & Affiliate Programs on the Net:
Turning Clicks Into Cash. (New York: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing, 1999)
Gurian, Phil. E-mail Business Strategies & Dozens of Other Great Ways to Take
Advantage of the Internet. (Grand National Press, 2001)
Hardaway, Glenn. Internet Income in Plain English. (Glenn Hardaway, 1996)
Helmstetter, Greg and Pamela Metivier. Affiliate Selling: Building Revenue on the
Web. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2000)
Hinshaw, Donna and Donna M. Hinshaw. E-Commerce: Internet-Enable Your Cash
Flow. (Pelican Associates, 1999)
Hock, Randolph. The Extreme Searcher's Guide to Web Search Engines: A Handbook
for the Serious Searches. (Information Today, 1999)
Horton, William K., Lee Taylor, Arthur Ignacio, Nancy L. Hoft. The Web Page Design
Cookbook: All the Ingredients You Need to Create 5-Star Web Pages. (New York:
John Wiley & Sons, 1995)
Kelly, Jason. The Neatest Little Guide to Making Money Online. (New York: Penguin
Group, 2000)
Kennedy, Renee and Terry Kent. Search Engine Optimization and Placement: An
Internet Marketing Course for Webmasters. (Universal Publishers, 2001)
Kent, Gordon. Internet Publishing with Acrobat: A Comprehensive Reference for
Creating and Integrating PDF Files with HTML on the Internet or Intranets. (Adobe
Press Systems, 1996)
Kinnard, Shannon. Marketing With Email: A Spam-Free Guide to Increasing
Awareness, Building Loyalty, and Increasing Sales By Using the Internet’s Most
Powerful Tool. (Maximum Pr, 1999)
Larry, Bannin K. and Bannin K. Larry, Jr. and Harold Gregg. Webmasters' Secret
Internet Marketing & Search Engine Positioning Strategies. (American Media
Publishers, 1999)
Laudon, Kenneth. How to Create Web Pages Using HTML. (McGraw-Hill, 1999)
Lemay, Laura and Denise Taylor. SAMS Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML 4
in 21 Days with CD-ROM, Professional Reference Edition. (SAMS, 2000)
Liautaud, Bernard. E-Business Intelligence: Turning Information into Knowledge into
Profit. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000)
Lowe, Doug. Creating Web Pages For Dummies: Quick Reference Guide. (Hungry
Minds, 1999)
Mack, E. Stephen and Janan Platt. HTML 4.0: No Experience Required. (Sybex, 1997)
MacPherson, Kim. Permission-Based E-Mail Marketing That Works! (Dearborn Trade
Publishing, 2001)
Marckini, Fredrick. Search Engine Positioning: Grow Your Web Site Traffic by
Achieving Top 10 Search Engine Rankings. (Republic of Texas Press, 2001)
Maze, Susan and Donna J. Smith. Authoritative Guide to Web Search Engines. (Neal-
Schuman Publishers, 1997)
McFedries, Paul. The Complete Idiot's Guide To Creating A Web Page. (Indianapolis,
IN: Que, 2000)
Millennium, Platinum. Million Dollar E-Mails: The guide to creating effective,
persuasive Internet e-mail marketing campaigns that actually increase sales and
work! (Platinum Millennium, 2002)
Miller, Michael. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Online Search Secrets. (Indianapolis,
IN: Que, 1999)
Miller, Sam. Searching the World Wide Web: An Introductory Curriculum for Using
Search Engines. (International Society for Technology in Education, 1998)
Niederst, Jennifer and Richard Koman. Learning Web Design: A beginner's Guide to
HTML, Graphics and Beyond. (O’Reilly & Associates, 2001)
Nobles, Robin and Susan O’Neil. Streetwise: Maximize Web Site Traffic: Build Web
Site Traffic Fast and Free by Optimizing Search Engine Placement. (Holbrook, MA:
Adams Media Corporation, 2000)
Oliver, Dick and Charles Ashbacher. SAMS Teach Yourself HTML and XHTML in 24
Hours. SAMS, 2001)
Perry, Greg. HTML 4.01 Weekend Crash Course. (IDG Books Worldwide, 2000)
Pfaffenberger, Bryan. Discovering HTML 4. (Harcourt Brace & Co., 1998)
Price, Gary. The Invisible Web: Uncovering Information Sources Search Engines
Can't See. (Information Today, due out July 2001)
Ray, Deborah S. and Eric J. Ray. HTML 4 for Dummies: Quick Reference. (Hungry
Minds, 2000)
Rebholz, Gary. How to Use HTML and XHTML. (SAMS, 2001)
Roberts, Stevan, et. al. Internet Direct Mail: The Complete Guide to Successful EMail
Marketing Campaigns. (McGraw-Hill Trade, 2000)
Roebuck, Michael S. A Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Placement and Ranking.
(Buy Books on the Web.com, 2000)
Rosenoer, Jonathan, Douglas Armstrong and J. Russell Gates. The Clickable
Corporation: Successful Strategies for Capturing the Internet Advantage. (Free Press
Samuels, H. Raymond II. Money Making E-Commerce Strategies: Revenue Sharing
Affiliate Programs. (The Agora Cosmopolitan, 2001)
Sekhar, Chandra. Internet Marketing And Search Engine Positioning - A "Do It
Yourself" Guide. (Southern Publishing Group, 2001)
Smith, Bud E. and Arthur Bebak. Creating Web Pages for Dummies. (Foster City, CA:
IDG Books Worldwide, 2000)
Sonnenreich, Wes and Tim MacInta. Web Developer.COM Guide to Search Engines.
(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998)
Sosinsky, Barrie and Elisabeth Parker. The Web Page Recipe Book. (ISBN:
Spott, Roger. Unlocking the Secrets of Internet Search Engine Ranking. (Biomed
General, 2000)
Stanek, William Robert. Increase Your Web Traffic in a Weekend. (Prima
Communications, 2000)
Sterne, Jim and Anthony Priore. Email Marketing: Using Email to Reach Your Target
Audience and Build Customer Relationships. (John Wiley and Sons, 2000)
Tittel, Ed, Natanya Pitts, Natanya Pitts-Moultis, Chelsea Valentine and Mike
Wooldridge. HTML For Dummies. (Hungry Minds, 2000)
Wayner, Peter. Digital Cash: Commerce on the Net. (Morgan Kaufmann, 1997)
Weinman, Lynda and William Weinman. Creative HTML Design.2. (Indianapolis, IN:
New Riders Publishing, 2000)
Willard, Wendy. HTML: A Beginner's Guide. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000)

Niche Marketing

Just as it's absolutely vital to have a puzzle picture in place while
solving a puzzle, carving a niche for your business is an absolute MUST
for today's successful Internet business. A niche can be defined as a
small targeted and focused area of any business entity that offers a
unique program, or benefit, satisfying a common NEED of like-minded
Identifying a niche requires a particular mindset. You can't come up
with a niche in a flash until you really understand how to go about it.
You can only come up with a well-defined niche by having the right
attitude towards a concrete, and clear objective.
You need to go through a certain hierarchy in order to find your niche.
For example, if you're targeting women in business, your hierarchy
may well be drawn something like this... women -> women's health ->
pregnancy -> nutritional requirement in pregnancy -> semi liquid food
supplement -> finally your product, with a clear and distinct benefit.
Be as specific as possible. Put your entire force towards a single
specific value driven business model, rather than getting generalized
and trying to sell everything under one roof. In simple terms, by
narrowing your business focus you'll effectively broaden sales. You’ll
end up making more money this way.
And in this way, you will establish yourself as an expert in your field.
To be an expert you don't necessarily need to have lot of knowledge or
expertise. Needless to say you can get started right away with what
you already know or enjoy doing in your spare time, and preferably
have a passion for it too. Just try to be a little bit "different" than the
Once you have positioned yourself online as an expert in a specific
niche, you will outgrow automatically into more related profitable
areas. Your credibility in such areas will carry more weight than if you
would attempt to offer "everything under one roof" approach.
Another great benefit of having a narrow niche is the fact that visitors
to your site will have a greater interest in what you offer. Why?
Because your product or service is highly targeted to them, and you
aim to solve their specific problem. What this means is your visitors
are pre-qualified with a ready to buy attitude, i.e., they are almost
already 50-60% convinced. The rest is your job. Make your Web site
simple and attractive with a killer copy, and with useful content that
further persuades them to make a purchase.
It really makes no sense starting or running an Internet business
without identifying a niche. If you're really determined to get success
on the Net, this is the way to go. Do some positive brainstorming,
relate different things around you trying to get into a specific niche,
and add value. You will eventually come up with a great idea. And a
great idea is the spark for a big explosion.
One Internet marketer started out online with a generalized marketing
site that was lucky to get 500 visitors a month regardless of the
amount of promotion. Then, he did an in-depth review of HTML
compilers for potential ebook self-publishers and the traffic increased
substantially! So substantially, in fact, that he began working
exclusively with ebook marketing and created www.ebooksnbytes.com.
He then chose complimentary affiliate programs for marketing ebooks,
HTML compilers, pricing surveys like the new "Make Your Price Sell,"
and other ebook-related programs, and all were much more successful
at generating sales than from his previous site. Visitors increased from
several hundred to almost 10,000 per month in the space of only a few
The point I am trying to get across is that by analyzing your own site's
statistics, you may notice that you are sitting on a potential gold mine
without even realizing it. Which page on your site is getting the most
visits? Does it happen to be a page giving away free ebooks or
Take an honest look at your own site. Is it unique compared to many
other sites out there? Do you have any original and helpful free
content to attract visitors? What areas of your site are the most
popular? Capitalize on those pages by featuring them or even creating
separate domains with those target markets. Whether you will be
catering to ezine publishers, web designers, people wanting to lose
weight, or even dog breeders, all can be excellent target markets to
cater to. Another benefit to niche marketing is that you may end up
being ranked high on search engines without much effort since your
pages will be specific as well as content-rich.
To summarize: Analyze site traffic... pick your most popular topics and
specialize in those areas by building a highly informative site around
that specialty. Whether it is golfing, nutritional supplements, ebooks,
babies, or even snorkeling... there are affiliate programs and books
that you could sell on the side for extra income. Be an expert in a topic
you love and know well (or learn as much as you can about it) and
then go for it!

Affiliate Programs

OK, let’s stay with our target audience of dog owners. So you log onto
one of the search engines and enter the keywords, “dog owner” and
“affiliate program”. Make sure you include the quotes. Up will pop
numerous sites that
a. cater to the interests of dog owners and
b. have affiliate programs you can become a member of.
I came up with 89 “hits” when I entered those words into the Google
search engine.
Affiliate programs are nothing more than referral-based marketing
arrangements where you get paid to refer people to other sites. For
example, if you referred your database of dog owners to a web site
that specialized in dog supplies, you would share in the proceeds of
any resulting sales.
Another affiliate example is provided by Amazon.com. If you see a
button for them at a site that is not Amazon.com itself, chances are
that that other web site owner participates in Amazon.com’s affiliate
program. So if you were to click on that merchants Amazon.com
button and bought a book or other merchandise, that referring
merchant would share in the proceeds of the sale.
You can also search for affiliate programs at sites that specialize in
rating affiliate programs for profitability, as well as standings against
other like web sites and affiliate program directories. Here are some
sites you may want to check out:
www.cj.com (Commission Junction)
If there's one common thread that runs through most successful
affiliate web sites, it's that each Webmaster has a passion for their
subject matter. The right affiliate program can turn a hobby web site
into something with a life (and a revenue stream) all on its own. What
could be better than being paid to do something you love to do?
A prime example of this is the owner of The Flick Filosopher, which
was launched in September 1997. The Flick Filosopher has original
movie reviews and affiliate links. In order to derive income, each
review contains direct links to the specific movie at Reel.com, so that
readers can immediately purchase the film in DVD or video tape
format (new or used), as well as movie soundtracks in CD format.
Most reviews feature a host of relevant text links to other related
movie reviews on the site, as well as to actor-specific links. The Flick
Filosopher's biggest successes stem from special review themes.
Reviews of television movies from the A&E, HBO, Showtime, and TNT
networks provide content that's hard to find elsewhere. Mining the
niches pays off. Affiliate links to Reel.com's massive inventory allow
readers to easily purchase made-for-TV movies, which might otherwise
be hard to locate.

Permission-Based Email Marketing

You now have a database of names of “like-minded” individuals.
They’ve given you permission to stay in touch with them, so do that
via email. This would be like the program above where you send out
emails at a ratio of three informational messages to one info-mational
message. And you would regularly irregularly feed them into the
funnel of your web site. See the last section in this chapter.
Let's briefly review the three types of email marketing:
1. Direct email: Direct email involves sending a promotional message
in the form of an email. It might be an announcement of a special
offer, for example.
2. Retention email: Instead of promotional email designed only to
encourage the recipient to take action (buy something, sign-up for
something, etc.), you might send out retention emails. These usually
take the form of regular emails known as newsletters. A newsletter
may carry promotional messages or advertisements, but will aim at
developing a long-term impact on the readers. It should provide the
readers with value, which means more than just sales messages. It
should contain information that informs, entertains or otherwise
benefits the readers.
3. Advertising in other people's emails: Instead of producing your own
newsletter, you can find newsletters published by others and pay them
to put your advertisement in the emails they send their subscribers.
Indeed, there are many email newsletters that are created for just this
purpose - to sell advertising space to others. As people tire of getting
sales messages via email, it's these quality communications that
perhaps hold the most potential for the future.
According to a 2001 study by New Century Communications and
AdRelevance, the average costs per message were as follows:
• Permission-based direct email: $0.20
• Telemarketing: $1.00 to $3.00
• Direct mail: $0.75 to $2.00
As you can see, permission-based direct email beats all other directmarketing
vehicles hands down because there are no production,
paper, or postage costs.
InternetVIZ reported in 2002 that email marketing response rates
outpace direct mail ten to one. DoubleClick found in its 2002 survey
that more than 88% of online consumers have made a purchase as a
result of receiving email that they have requested. And, according to
the Association for Interactive Marketing, 64% of surveyed marketers
say that revenue has increased directly from transactions resulting
from email usage.
Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) wanted to fill up some available seats
during off-peak days during the holidays and had a great idea. For a
special low fare of $149, SAS was offering a deal: fly out of the United
States on a red eye, land in Copenhagen the next morning. Shop all
day and board the plan that night. You snooze on the plane and wake
up refreshed. They even gave a free shower voucher to use in the
So, how did they get the word out without spending a fortune, which
would in essence nullify the inexpensive package? Simply put: email
based marketing. Or, better yet, viral marketing. Which is exactly
what happened. For instance, after a friend received the offer in the
email, she ran around telling all her friends about it and forwarded
that email to about sixty people! When the email based marketing
piece launched to SAS's registered user database, along with a link to
the online offer and ticket purchase available online, reservations
started coming in 9 minutes later and the flight packages sold out less
than 2 days later.
And one last piece of CYA (cover your assets) advice. If you get a
listing of names and email addresses from an organization, e.g., the
membership list of a group for which you made a presentation, make
sure you retain the permission letter or email message attached to the
list. If someone goes to your information service provider (ISP) and
gets temporary amnesia about how you got their name, you just pull
out the piece of paper that has permission on it. Some ISPs have
become very strict, with little to zero tolerance. They can and will shut
you down! So don’t chance it. Get the permission!
Lastly, make sure every message you send provides instructions, or
preferably an automatic means, for the recipient to opt-out of the list.
If someone requests to be excluded, remove him from the list ASAP!
Quick guide to building an opt-in list:
Stage 1
In the first stage, you have identified a target audience. Let’s stay with
dog owners. I prefer Old English Sheepdogs myself, but let’s stay with
the more generic category, dog owners. I’ve suggested a cumulative
total of 3,000 dog owners that will be targeted in three different
media. Obviously, there are far more than 3,000 dog owners out
there, but we’ll be conservative.
Stage 2
Next, find places where these folks would normally be drawn to for
information. Your own content-oriented site would be my favorite, or
an e-zine that focuses on the needs of dog owners. You can also find
numerous free places to advertise. Ruth, in Vestal NY, has a website
www.lifestylespub.com where she categorizes and catalogs all the ezines
that are available. She tells you who the readers are (ie, dog
lovers, teachers, etc) and the average number of readers. For $100,
you can get a year’s subscription to this site.
As well, you want to optimize your own destination or home page so
that people can find you on the search engines. A great place to learn
more about search engine placement is Robin Nobles’ and Susan
O’neil’s, Maximize Web Site Traffic: Build Web site Traffic Fast and
Free by Optimizing Search Engine Placement, or Fredridk Marckini’s
book, Search Engine Positioning: Grow Your Web Site Traffic by
Achieving Top 10 Search Engine Rankings.
Again, we’ll assume that the average monthly readership or visitors to
each place is 1,000. Let’s assume a click-through response rate of 1%,
so that each location yields 10 prospects, for a total of 30.
Stage 3
Here’s where you really start leveraging your time. An autoresponder
is nothing more than a sophisticated email address. Think of it as your
automated electronic employee, working for you 24/7/365. At
predetermined times, the autoresponder automatically sends out your
pre-formatted messages to people that have responded to ads, search
engine inquiries, e-zine placements, web site articles, referrals, etc.
Let’s say your advertisement was for a free canine-related newsletter
you publish. If the respondent replies, they’ll also receive a free report
on the care and feeding of miniature, small, medium and large breed
dogs. When they click, the autoresponder automatically sends the
report as an email.
Stage 4
One of two things also happens. The first might be that a web form
pops up immediately to collect their name address, telephone, email
address and other qualifying information. A form is nothing more than
an electronic version of a piece of paper where you gather information.
For example, see the form I use to collect information on business
opportunity seekers at www.Igreply.com/aboutyou.
The second possibility is that the respondent is redirected to your own
content rich web site, or even someone else’s. This is a “softer” direct
approach because not only are they getting a free report, they also
just discovered a great information packed site to come back to. They
get more bang for their click. At your web site, they can browse
around and read to their heart’s delight on every conceivable topic
related to dog owners. Here is also where they would fill out the same
type of form mentioned above.
Stage 5
The autoresponder collects, stores and puts into database fashion
format every name that is submitted. That database then contains
your opt-in list of names of like-minded people, in this case dog
The autoresponder also keeps track of when messages have been sent
out and when to send any follow up messages. Marketers know it
takes somewhere between 7 to 10 communications with a prospective
client before the prospect will buy. That’s what the autoresponder does
with those preformatted messages. The first message was the free
report. You preprogram the autoresponder to send out another
message in, say 3 days, then 5 days, then 2 days, then 7 days. This is
what I call following up on a “regular irregular” basis. In other words,
don’t make the delivery of the message an expected event. It’s that
follow up that will generate profits.
On a ratio of three to one, send out three informational messages to
one “soft-sell” message. The “soft-sell” message is primarily
informational, but couched inside the message is some promotional
content. For example, you might have sent out three messages about
the grooming habits of various breeds. The fourth message might also
be about grooming, but it suggests a site where they can go to get
grooming tools. Maybe that’s your site or an affiliate’s (see number 4
below). It’s a soft sell, but one that educates as well. Be sure to
include you name and email on each letter that is sent. In this way,
you make yourself more accountable and earn the trust of those that
are receiving your email.

Opt-In List Marketing

The only things that matter in real estate are location, location and
location. The only things that matter for your web site are traffic,
traffic and traffic. Just because you launched that spiffy looking new
web site or you’ve created some sharp autoresponders, there’s no
guarantee that someone will find you. You must drive traffic to your
site. More specifically, you need to funnel prospects and clients into
your autoresponder or steer people to your web site on an ongoing
One method to acquire email addresses is referred to as the opt-in list.
This is where someone has voluntarily given you her/his email address
in exchange for some free or low-cost item. Or maybe they responded
to an ad you placed somewhere on the Internet. Or maybe that person
attended one of your presentations. Maybe, as we’ll see in just a bit,
that person has come to you as a result of some affiliate program you
are a member of. The key is to get the email address.
Over time, as more and more people volunteer their email addresses,
you are building a database of names that are of like-minded people.
That database is the opt-in list of names of people that have given you
permission to stay in touch with them. This will form the basis of what
I call permission-based email marketing (see number 2 below).
My opt-in list is composed of people who fit into one of four general
1. Business owners and professionals, or anyone who wants to build or
enhance their personal, interpersonal and electronic networking
2. They want to learn how to use those skills to grow their career or
business, or to market themselves more creatively and effectively.
3. They want to generate multiple sources of income.
4. They are interested in leveraged or residual income, or they
currently make a living via residual income based activities, e.g.,
insurance salespeople, bankers, real estate investors, web site
owners, etc.
Many times, these categories overlap. Marketing 101 dictates that you
define your audience before you set out to meet their needs. This is a
key reason why there are far more dot-bombs than winning dot-coms:
too many sites searching for a market. Each of the following two
diagrams contains a step-by-step flow chart of the stages you would
go through to acquire email addresses. The first Opt-In List Direct
diagram illustrates how you will get leads directly as a result of your
advertisement. The second, Two-Step Opt-In List, is basically the
same procedure, but it allows you to make some money along the
way. These serve as “templates”, and you can even use them to get
paid simply for the act of acquiring the leads. Won’t that be nice!?
Let’s see how they work!
By the way, before we review the templates, a word about SPAM.
SPAM is unsolicited email that has not been requested by the recipient.
Never, never, never, never, never, NEVER SPAM!!!! I cannot
emphasize this strongly enough. Always get permission from the
recipients of your message before you send the email.
If you send to a list that you bought, obtain written permission from
the list vendor as to the permission rights of the list. If the vendor will
not provide that permission, don’t do business with them. If someone
voluntarily opts into your list, ensure that the autoresponder, or
whatever other service you’re using, provides an audit trail as to
where, how and when that request came in. If you are using leads you
got from, say a speaking engagement, retain the written record of the
request to be added to your list.
And one last piece of CYA (cover your assets) advice. If you get a
listing of names and email addresses from an organization, e.g., the
membership list of a group for which you made a presentation, make
sure you retain the permission letter or email message attached to the
list. If someone goes to your information service provider (ISP) and
gets temporary amnesia about how you got their name, you just pull
out the piece of paper that has permission on it. Some ISPs have
become very strict, with little to zero tolerance. They can and will shut
you down! So don’t chance it. Get the permission!

Online Income Part 2

Once you have identified your market and your expertise then, the
process of figuring out how to market your information in a way that
causes people to want to buy it! Basically, there are no real new or
totally unique human needs or wants. They have been the same for
thousands of years: sex, money, self-esteem, health, relationships,
beauty, greed. Your information should tap into one of these universal
wants/needs. The title you select, the words you use to market your
information, the benefits your information offers, the way it is
packaged will cause consumers to flock to your product. Once you
have discovered the right combination of message and media, you
have cracked the code.
Here is an example of steps to follow to become an infopreneur. Let’s
say that you are passionate about cooking with hot spices.
1. Brainstorm the most profitable topics
2. Deliver hot and sensual content.
3. Publish quality, in-demand information. You'll be surprised at how
quickly a following develops.
4. Monetize... Google AdSense automatically places relevant ads on
your site, generating an excellent financial foundation. Refer pre-sold
visitors to the affiliate programs of Barnes and Nobles for spicy
cookbooks, and other merchants for cookware, food processors, and
so forth. In-context textual recommendations from a trusted advisor
convert into sales. Similarly, earn income by creating a page about the
best spice retailer in each of the 100 largest cities around the world.
Get paid via a pay-per-lead model from each. Increase revenues by
selling your own e-book of "The World's Hottest, Most Exotic Recipes...
Cooking with Fire." Even promote your own "hot 'n spicy" catering
service for local clientele.
There is no limit to the number of ways to monetize your traffic -- the
above are only a few possible examples for the "hot 'n spicy" niche.
Nor is there a limit to the number of niches in the small business
Robert Allen published a book in 1980 called Nothing Down: How to
Buy Real Estate with Little or No Money Down. It took over two years
before the money started to flow. But it was worth the wait. Since that
time, he has earned millions of dollars in royalties. And every six
months he still gets nice royalty checks. That’s the power of residual
income…it keeps flowing and flowing and flowing.
Here are 8 tips that will help you get started producing audiotapes,
books, reports, pamphlets, or any other medium you choose to sell to
distribute your information:
1- Produce an information product for an audience that's already
waiting to buy it. This will guarantee your greatest chance for success.
2- Clearly identify your target market and direct all your promotional
materials towards them. When promoting and marketing your product,
first identify the it’s purpose. Then find a target market that will
benefit from it. Once you've done that, find ways to bring them your
message. Speak to them in ways they can relate both to your product
and to you. The rapport this builds between you and your prospective
buyers will ultimately lead to sales.
3- Always test the market before producing anything. This will save
you time and money, if, by chance, you're not on the right track. If
test marketing indicates your target market has no interest in the
information your product provides, simply redirect your focus, find
another topic, and start again with enthusiasm. Or stick with the same
topic but find another market that may be interested in what you have
to say.
4- Keep your products simple, yet highly informational. Remember the
concept is not to compete with Hollywood, but to offer valuable
information to specific groups of people who share the same interest.
5- Never stop searching for effective ways to promote your products
and reach your target market. Marketing is everything.
6- Create ancillary products such as special reports, audio tapes, and
books to complement your initial product
7- Seek out others in your industry who might be willing to joint
venture with you on a project.
8- Establish an effective order taking system. Keeping track of your
sales, your customers, advertising responses, and your shipping is
critical if you plan on being successful.

Online Income

Online Income
Before the internet, information was not always easy to come by. If
you needed a recipe, you would most likely have to go to the book
store and buy a cook book or go to the library. If you ever wondered
how something works, you could only guess or of course go to the
library again.
In other words, before the internet information was NOT at our
fingertips like it is now.
Have you ever found yourself sitting on the couch, seeing something
on TV and wondering “Cool, I want to know more about that” and all
you have to do is simply go to your computer and type what ever it is
you are looking for into google and all of a sudden you had everything
you needed.
With the help of the internet, there has been an information explosion
and with this information explosion, six ongoing trends have formed:
It is not information, however, that we need more of! We are already
drowning in information. The problem is not a lack of information or
ideas but a lack of information that is packaged properly. Information
needs to be categorized into specialized knowledge that the consumer
can use quickly. This is the job of an infopreneur – an entrepreneur
that sells information.
So, how can you be an infopreneur? Anyone with a good idea and
some persistence can do it!! You just need an interesting story or
expertise that people want PLUS good marketing skills! Your life story
or your life's expertise have market value. You don't even need a
unique, new system. It can be old knowledge, repackaged and
remarketed in new ways. Look at all the diets out there. There are
only 3 variables in the diet game: food, exercise and mental attitude.
The formula is pretty simple:
1. Identify a Core Human Desire/Need
2. Find new technology for solving this Core Desire/Need and/or
find a new way to market to this Core Desire/Need
With a winning idea, and many different media to market it, you can
then branch into many related support products....bringing in more
residual income (see creating a funnel in the last section of this
There are 3 Essential Skills that you need as an infopreneur:
1. How to research, discover, acquire, and organize your
ideas. What do you know that we don't? Or who do you
know that knows something that the rest of us need or
want to know? You don't have to spend years learning a
core expertise. You can find some expert who is undermarketed
and take his or her idea to the marketplace. Just
remember to organize this information in the
communication age style....easy to learn, simple to use,
fast results.
2. How to express, display, package, communicate
yourself. Here are some core packaging skills you will
need to develop, rent or acquire:
• Find the best prices for materials
• Designing useful, interesting packaging.
• Creating low cost ways to organize your materials
3. How to sell, distribute, disseminate, promote yourself
and your product. Marketing is the essential skill. Here are
some core marketing skills which you will have to buy, rent
or acquire:
• Writing compelling copy
• Understanding psychology and human nature
• Learning the secrets of direct mail advertising
• Buying the best and cheapest advertising.
• Tracking your results.
• Managing a database.
• Tapping into the Internet
You must have a core expertise that is either a revolutionary new
technology or is an old expertise that has a new marketing strategy.
As I said earlier, you don't have to be the expert yourself. But you do
need to borrow, license, acquire the expertise from someone. You are
looking for an expertise that has a large and growing body of
interested people who can be easily identified, who have an immediate
need/want/problem that they are highly motivated to solve, who have
the money to spend and are willing to spend it.

Passive Income

So, why exactly is the internet such a great place to earn an income?
What makes it any better than the “real world”?
The online world is not necessarily a better place to make money, it is
different and in many ways a lot easier and a lot less time consuming
than making money in the real world.
First off, there is the physical aspect of it. All of the internet world is
right in front of your eyes, everything is just a click away, which
makes it a lot less time consuming to perform your daily tasks.
Then, there is the cost aspect – it’s incredibly cheap to own your own
business on the internet! You can literally start earning money on line
for as little as $10!
And if you want your own online business, all you need is a hosting
account ($10 a month) and a payment processor (free) and you’re all
ready to go. When comparing that to owning a “real world” business,
where rent, employee wages and the sheer amount of work is not only
extremely pricy but time consuming as well.
And of course, there is the ability to fully automate your online
business without having to hire any employees and have your business
work for you 24/7 (the internet is always open) and earn you money
while you sleep.
Here is a simple example of the how easy it is to build a passive
income stream on the internet when comparing the amount of work it
would take you to do the same in the “real world”
To get a passive income of $1,000 a month in the real world, you
could by a Condo for $100,000 - $150,000 and rent it out to receive
rental income. Do you have $150,000 cash lying around? Probably not.
What you could do online is buy resell rights to an already made
information product ($300 would buy you a good one), get online
hosting ($10 a month) and start driving traffic to the website. All this
can be done in just a few hours, and can easily earn you $30 - $60 a
Now you see the difference between the real world and the online
The point is: to start making money in the “real world” one usually
needs a great amount of time, resources and money. Online, all you
need is a few hundred bucks and 1-3 hours a day to invest into your
Ok, I’m sure I’ve got you a little excited to get started. But there are
other great ways for you to make residual income without having your
own website,

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Menaikan Pagerank Tanpa SEO

Halo pengunjung setia Top Site Indo. Maukah blog anda mendapat backlink gratis? Kali ini saya akan memberi tips untuk mendapatkan backlink gratis bagi blog teman-teman, karena itu terus baca artikel ini ya.

Tips ini saya ambil dari blog lain setelah saya bersurfing dengan mozila. trick ini dapat menaikan traffic blog milik kita hanya dengan copy paste. cara ini menggunakan sistem MLM, tapi ini bukan berjualan namun hanya menerapkan cara MLM tersebut saja agar blog kita makin banyak dikunjungi.

Caranya sangatlah gampang, teman-teman hanya tinggal copy link yang ad di bawah ini dengan syarat anda harus menghapus link pada peringkat 1 dari daftar, lalu pindahkan yang tadinya nomor 2 menjadi nomor 1, nomor 3 menjadi nomor 2 dst.

Kemudian masukan link anda sendiri pada urutan paling bawah ( nomor 10). Dan satu syarat yang penting juga adalah anda juga harus bertindak JUJUR.

1. Iconspedia
2. Detik.com
3. Gudang Sejuta Ilmu
4. Kolom-tutorial
5. Widget
6. Tips-trick-blog
7. Dekwahyudi
8. Jakabanda
9. Situs Murah
10. business online

Jika anda mampu mengajak lima orang saja untuk mengcopy artikel ini maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah :

Posisi 10, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 9, jumlah backlink = 5
Posisi 8, jumlah backlink = 25
Posisi 7, jumlah backlink = 125
Posisi 6, jumlah backlink = 625
Posisi 5, jumlah backlink = 3,125
Posisi 4, jumlah backlink =15,625
Posisi 3, jumlah backlink = 78,125
Posisi 2, jumlah backlink = 390,625
Posisi 1, jumlah backlink = 1,953,125

Dan nama dari alamat blog dapat dimasukan kata kunci yang anda inginkan yang juga dapat menarik perhatian untuk segera diklik. Dari sisi SEO anda sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung downline mengklik link anda maka anda juga mendapat traffic tambahan.

Nah silakan copy artikel ini dan hilangkan link nomor 1 dan masukan alamat blog atau web anda pada nomor 10 agar hasilnya maksimal. Mari kita coba bersama trick baru ini, semoga hasilnya dapat memuaskan.

Post your comment yah.. ^^

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simple strategy online

Udah tau yes, what is Pay Per Lead?
A type of program that we pay for one person who we refer ...

As an affiliate that runs the PPL program, the process of getting his money more easily in the appeal of PPS (Pay Per Sale) but slightly more difficult than PPC (Pay Per Click)

It's easier than PPS, because the people we refer do not need to spend money, simply fill out the form, after completion of registration process, we dapet commission ...

More difficult than PPC because if the PPC, people simply click the link and you can earn money, while at the WMO need extra energy and willingness to fill out the form.

Example Case 1:
Left late last year to make the contest Russell Brunson on which we pay $ 1 for every person we are ..

Example Case 2:
Left a few weeks ago to launch TDW pack TDW University, and we will get a reward based on the number of people we refer ..

I actually, why the hell do the product owners PPL program?
Database, list building, yup .. they need a list of names, the purpose of this offered to them that later ...

As an affiliate, sebenernya hell yes agak2 loss, for example nih, after more than 1000 people I refer to TDW, and I've got the prizes promised, when I refer orang2 the TDW purchase, I ga dapet apa2 ...

So I appreciated his energy to refer someone, regardless of the person eventually buy or not ...

We have a lot of programs on the Internet such as the WMO and Clickbooth Maxbounty, but very rarely that target the Indonesian market, perhaps because many are afraid to use an email address jadi2 ya hehe ...

PPL wrote his example Russell, although the registered through my links more than 5000, which paid only about 2 / 3 of his, why they have reached the quota ... that's because I think they finally realized that the majority of Indonesian people who are purchasing power is low ... lah wong on the rules say if ga ga in may of Indonesia, but from 5000 it bener2 my subscriber, not an email jadi2 I made: D

If TDW university yesterday, they tighten registration with double opt in and locked by IP address, so a single IP can only list one time, it's too sad to work together or are in the cafe, but very understandable why this Precaution needs to take ..

This is also what makes me a little disappointed, because the member's area, I have listed more than 1000 referrals, but it turned out that the calculated double opt in only 700 so .. (why not a double optin reply aja yah in tampilin the member's area?)

There's another program like it PPL is providing programs for the Indonesian market, which is LuckyPacific, but ya gitu deh, agak2 programs offered less attractive ..

If you seriously want to run programs overseas market PPL, much evidence kok udah friends who get thousands of dollars .. but my kok ga berhasil2 yah hihi ...

pay per lead

NGoMongNya gw gmn confused, confused start, there are difficulties in cj.com reply? affiliate marketing? make lead? Earnings from affiliates? nich gw kasih tipsnya bit. Create sales, much harder than lead, it's like this aja dech, more difficult nyuru people register to buy something than anything, the hard tuh buat duit ngeluarin: D right? orang2 nyari prefer money right? hahahaha ... although gw make little effort to learn so sales on the internet, gw aja yah tetep more focus to the pay per click pay per lead ama ...

Aka PPC pay per click've certainly all know, rich adsense, adbrite etc., although ampe now blm nemu ga ways to fit into ningkatin certainty adsense click, adsense ngelarang for forcing people to adsensenya ad ngeclick ato ngeclick people nyuru adsense ads, so yah that there is actually nemu "how to make people register forced" earningnya pretty, is a day to $ 3 - $ 30 hehehe ... tp depends amal2an hockey and also ... klo ga ga hockey was earning well, all depending on your religious deeds and hahahahah ...

[ad # adsenseftppj] Well for this technique, ga will dijelasin in this post hohohooo hehehehe ... tp be a little tricknya gitu dech maen game, so it must nyelesain quest rich, klo maen game like MMORPG would often dapet dapet quest to create something, well ... so This technique also, krn gw feel valuable technique, so it is natural yah lo klo gw dapet quest from hahahahaha ...

Ready to accept questnya? bikin gw yah patient had questnya in notepad: D ntar gw kasih link for the download ...
Well ebooknya've prepared: D greetings mo download techniques pay per lead? Gratis kok hahahahaha ... but the password ... well now ready to accept the quest for dapetin password??

Read baek2 well ... this rare ebook is unique enough to make this technique, gw ga bad enough orang2 this ebook is created generates about hundreds of $ $ $ depending on the charity and worship each: D klo especially serious ... kok only 3 pages, there given tau several techniques for dapetin pay per lead, make commission junction, make this technique've now ngehasilin $ $ $ ngelebihin adsense hahahaha ... gw knp gw jual ga? as well this tau gw aja simple technique can ngehasilin quite big, why should sell klo gw udah earning good enough? tp produce itung2 sharing, so well from sharing aja ga ... too sad, too pengen people who earn money through the internet ngehasilin ga tp have the capital, so yah gw bikin buat sharing alternative free way to ngehasilin tp duit buat gw: D
Questnya started well ...
Since udah ada yg ngehasilin successful 3-day $ 200, gw ebooknya remove, let tetep unique technique, her ebook free dibagiin cm to 5 people doang. Sorry maap, ga in the share again, maybe later, one day heheheh ... there is a curious Klo ama consultation technique could well:

A new approach to China: an update

On January 12, we announced on this blog that Google and more than twenty other U.S. companies had been the victims of a sophisticated cyber attack originating from China, and that during our investigation into these attacks we had uncovered evidence to suggest that the Gmail accounts of dozens of human rights activists connected with China were being routinely accessed by third parties, most likely via phishing scams or malware placed on their computers. We also made clear that these attacks and the surveillance they uncovered—combined with attempts over the last year to further limit free speech on the web in China including the persistent blocking of websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Docs and Blogger—had led us to conclude that we could no longer continue censoring our results on Google.cn.

So earlier today we stopped censoring our search services—Google Search, Google News, and Google Images—on Google.cn. Users visiting Google.cn are now being redirected to Google.com.hk, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong. Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing uncensored, traditional Chinese service, also from Google.com.hk. Due to the increased load on our Hong Kong servers and the complicated nature of these changes, users may see some slowdown in service or find some products temporarily inaccessible as we switch everything over.

Figuring out how to make good on our promise to stop censoring search on Google.cn has been hard. We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China, yet the Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement. We believe this new approach of providing uncensored search in simplified Chinese from Google.com.hk is a sensible solution to the challenges we've faced—it's entirely legal and will meaningfully increase access to information for people in China. We very much hope that the Chinese government respects our decision, though we are well aware that it could at any time block access to our services. We will therefore be carefully monitoring access issues, and have created this new web page, which we will update regularly each day, so that everyone can see which Google services are available in China.

In terms of Google's wider business operations, we intend to continue R&D work in China and also to maintain a sales presence there, though the size of the sales team will obviously be partially dependent on the ability of mainland Chinese users to access Google.com.hk. Finally, we would like to make clear that all these decisions have been driven and implemented by our executives in the United States, and that none of our employees in China can, or should, be held responsible for them. Despite all the uncertainty and difficulties they have faced since we made our announcement in January, they have continued to focus on serving our Chinese users and customers. We are immensely proud of them.

Google search now supports Haitian Kreyòl

3/22/2010 08:05:00 AM
Last week we added Haitian Kreyòl as a language to Google search. Visitors to our Haitian homepage can now use search in English, French and Kreyòl.

Haitian Kreyòl is spoken by more than 10 million people in Haiti and in the Haitian diaspora in the Bahamas, Canada, Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, France, French Guiana, Puerto Rico and the United States.

The massive earthquake that recently stuck Haiti took a heavy toll on communication infrastructure (including TV, radio and newspapers). In the weeks following the earthquake, the Internet has become an important tool for Haitians to search for news and information. We previously added support for Haitian Kreyòl to Google Translate and we are happy that Google search can now be used the Haitian people in their native language.

We would like to thank the Haitian volunteers who heard our call for volunteer translators and generously shared their time and knowledge to improve the search experience for all Haitians.


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