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Selasa, 23 Maret 2010


Passive income is something most people only dream of. It is a fantasy, kind
of like winning the lottery that will allow one to gain freedom from a 9 to 5
job and spend time doing the things they love.
But as you may already know from reading this eBook, passive income is no
fantasy and is very different from winning the lottery. Winning the lottery is
sheer luck, it is out of your hands and your chances of winning it are
extremely slim.
Passive income on the other hand is something YOU control, it is entirely
within your hands and something that can drastically change your life for the
Hmm, so what exactly am I trying to get at here?
Well, first of all YOU are responsible for setting yourself up with a monthly
passive income. If you don’t do the work, sit around and fantasize all day,
you likely won’t get a passive income that will give you a lot of financial
If you do get serious about this and do the work that is necessary to set up
a reliable passive income... Well, if you do that you pretty much know what
will happen: exactly what you are fantasizing about right now.
And to put the task ahead of you into perspective, it actually does NOT take
a lot of work to set up your first income stream. It takes concentrated
If you currently work an 8 hour day 5 times a week, you spend somewhere
around 160 hours a month making someone else rich.
If you can invest 25% of that time into setting up an income stream for your
self, fill that time with concentrated work and stick to your goal you can
most probably have a passive income stream of $200 - $500 a month no
So what I’m trying to say is: get to work, stick to it and don’t get
discouraged because passive income makes sense. Who knows, maybe in a
few weeks you will have your phone bills, cable, gym, water and hydro bills
taken care of every month – how far you take it from there will be entirely
up to you!

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